What is your favorite part about visiting the centers?
The favorite part of visiting the centers is the welcoming that we receive. I particularly like when they call my Veronica. "Hi! Hola!" and they make it a thing to just greet you that way.
How did you come to know about BDNC?
A very special lady. She told me about it. She's a grandma. As a matter of fact, in a karate class, she takes her kids there. And she said "Veronica, you got to go. They have yoga. They have all sorts of resources. They're helping out the community." And I said "OK." So I started with the yoga and I haven't left.
Tell me about your experience with the FIT kits?
The experience with the FIT kit was extraordinary. Personally, I think it was a way of preventing, a prevention type or thing. So it's knowing that I can... I came out negative. I... I received the results pretty quick, within a week. And so it's... it was alleviating.
If you could describe what the centers have done for you in a couple of words, what would those be and why?
It's going to be... it's going to sound cheest, but I feel alive because I come in and I'm... I'm surrounded by seniors and I feel like I'm the youngest! But honestly, it's the again... I'm going back to the welcoming, the type of family sense, the feeling that I, that I have the extra programs that they have. They make it easy for one that doesn't come out to participate.