There are plenty of reasons why women decide not to take pain medicine during labor. It may be a personal choice. But sometimes it may not be a choice, like when it's too early for an epidural or too late to start new drugs.
Here are a few ways to ease your pain:
- Massage and touch
- Warm baths and showers
- If your water has broken, it is not recommended to sit in a bathtub, but it is sometimes safe to shower. Talk to your doctor to be sure.
- Warm or cold packs
- Rock or glide in a rocking or rolling chair, swaying from side to side or resting on your hands and knees.
- This will help to ease some pressure from your back
- Use a "birthing ball" to sit or sway on. This is like a big workout ball.
- This will also help to ease some pressure from your back and can help to open your pelvis and let the baby come down.
- Always have someone with you for support while using a birthing ball, as they can move easily.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- During active labor you may not be able to drink too much. Ice chips are typically safe.
- Drink between contractions during prelabor.
- If you are throwing up or your doctor says you may need a C-section and cannot drink any fluids, the intravenous fluids will keep you hydrated.