It is a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and/or State of Illinois requirement for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois to make available provider training on specified topics related to Blue Cross Community Health PlansSM and Blue Cross Community MMAI (Medicare-Medicaid Plan)SM. Completion of training is mandatory for all MMAI and Medicaid contracted providers.
Required Training Modules
The following training modules have been prepared for you by BCBSIL (select a topic to complete each training module online).
Note: After exiting out of the module, a new window will appear, and a training completion certificate will generate automatically. Once generated, the certificate can be saved or printed. A copy of the certificate will also be sent to the email address provided on the Guestbook registration form. Please be advised, the generation of the certificate is not acceptable in lieu of attesting. The certificate is for your records only. To properly attest and notify us that the training has been completed, please utilize the electronic attestation linked below.
- Model of Care/Medical Home (Person Centered Practice)
- Government Programs: Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
- Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation/Critical Incidents
- Cultural Competency
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/Independent Living
- Medicare Parts C and D General Compliance Training
- Attestation Link*
Completion of training is mandatory for the following contracted provider types:
ADA Site Compliance Survey
Additionally, to determine compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, CMS accessibility and language requirements, professional providers are required to complete the BCBSIL survey for their primary office location annually and facility providers are required to complete the survey for each location annually.
*Alternative option for compliance training completion: You may complete the online attestation of training completion which certifies that your practice has completed the annual BCCHP and MMAI compliance training from another government contracted Managed Care Organization. If you cannot complete the electronic attestation, you can locate a paper copy under the forms section.