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Doctors and Hospitals

Provider Finder®

Our Provider Finder offers you more ways to search than ever before. You can still look up doctors, hospitals and other providers by location. But now you can compare providers based on price, patient reviews, and recognitions - all empowering you to have more control over your health care spending.

For all other plans, search for a doctor or hospital in your area:

Already a member? Log in to Blue Access for MembersSM to:

  • Estimate the cost of procedures, treatments and tests based on provider and your plan (PPO plans only)
  • See what other patients have to say about a provider, or add your own review
  • View quality, certifications and recognitions for doctors
  • See if a Blue Distinction® Center for Specialty Care is available near you

Talk to a Nurse

When you need help deciding whether you should go to the emergency room or make an appointment with your doctor, 24/7 Nurseline is here to help.2 Call 1-800-299-0274 any time, day or night, with questions about fevers, burns and other health issues.

Find a Provider Outside the U.S.

If you are planning to travel out of the country, you will have peace of mind in knowing that your benefits travel with you. With our unique BlueCard Worldwide® program you can access contracting doctors and hospitals in more than 200 countries and territories around the world.

Search for doctors and hospitals outside the U.S.

Blue Distinction Centers

At a Blue Distinction Center (BDC), you may get a better outcome and may have lower coinsurance. You may still be covered at a non-BDC facility, but your out-of-pocket costs will usually be higher.

Blue Distinction Centers should be used for these specialty health care services:

  • Bariatric surgery
  • Cardiac care
  • Knee and hip replacements
  • Spinal surgery
  • Transplants

Choosing a Hospital

We understand that finding care from providers with proven expertise is important. That's why the Blue Distinction® program was created. This program identifies hospitals and medical facilities that meet high standards.

There are two types of Blue Distinction recognitions:

  • Blue Distinction Centers — Hospitals that have proven their ability to meet high standards of specialty care.
  • Blue Distinction Centers+ — Hospitals that are recognized for meeting high standards of care and for delivering cost-effective care.

Use our Provider Finder to search for a Blue Distinction Center near you.