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Find a Doctor or Hospital

Get access to a wide network of contracting doctors and hospitals, which may help save you money.

Find a Doctor

More than 90% of all hospitals and 80% of doctors in the United States contract with Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans through the BlueCard® Program.

  • Search for doctors, hospitals, or other health care providers with our online Provider Finder®. You can search by:
    • Facility or doctor's name
    • Provider type
    • Estimated treatment costs or
    • Urgent care center
  • To search on the go, download the Provider Finder app.

Choosing a Hospital

Finding care you can count on is important. That's why the Blue Distinction® program was created, which identifies hospitals and medical facilities that have a proven track record for delivering better results.

There are two types of Blue Distinction recognitions:

  • Blue Distinction Centers: Hospitals that have proven their ability to meet high standards of specialty care.
  • Blue Distinction Centers+: Hospitals that are recognized for meeting high standards of care and for delivering cost-effective care.

Find a hospital or medical facility

Note: Designation as Blue Distinction Centers means these facilities' overall experience and aggregate data met objective criteria established in collaboration with expert clinicians' and leading professional organizations' recommendations. Individual outcomes may vary. To find out which services are covered under your policy at any facilities, please call the customer service phone number on the back of your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois member ID card.