Keeping You and Your Infant Healthy from Prenatal to Postpartum

Pregnant or Thinking of Becoming Pregnant?

Blue Cross Community Health PlansSM is here to help. We have programs that can help you through pregnancy and beyond. 

Doula and Lactation Support

Pregnant members can get doula support throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Coverage includes up to 16 prenatal visits and up to 16 postpartum visits. Continuous support is provided during labor and delivery. Lactation support services may be provided in the perinatal period through infant weaning.

Special Beginnings®

Special Beginnings is a program to help pregnant members until 84 days post-delivery.

Special Beginnings helps pregnant members better understand and manage their pregnancies. The goal is to give birth to a healthy baby without problems. If you are a BCCHP member who is pregnant or has delivered a baby within the last 84 days, you are eligible for the program.

If you are pregnant and would like to enroll in Special Beginnings, please call 1-888-421-7781. You may opt out of Special Beginnings at any time.

In the Special Beginnings program, you can get:

  • Special access to online educational resources. Log in to our Blue Access for Members portal. Go to the Wellness section and under Programs you will find Special Beginnings. 
  • Program incentives just for going to prenatal and postpartum doctor visits.
  • Help finding a doctor and assistance with issues with access to care.
  • Education on pregnancy, postpartum, and newborn care.
  • A breast pump and extra benefits.

For further info about Special Beginnings, check the Special Beginnings Maternity Care Program Flyer


Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois offers our pregnant members anytime, any place education through YoMingo. This program is made to give you convenient access to valuable information. It includes the tools and support you need at every stage of your health care journey and beyond. This is available on any device and comes in multiple languages.

To start your journey, register today!

6 x 15SM

Congratulations on the birth of your baby!

Find a Doctor or Hospital

Use our Provider Finder® to search for doctors and other health care providers near you.

Need Assistance?

(TTY/TDD: 711)

We are available 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week. The call is free.

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Did You Know Your Baby Needs 6 Well-Child Visits in Their First 15 Months?

It's important that your baby gets 6 well-child visits in the first 15 months of their life. Call your baby’s provider to get their well-child visits scheduled. These visits are a covered benefit.

Earn gift cards for completing your baby’s well-child visits and vaccinations!

Register with HealthMine to get your gift cards.

Learn More About Well-Child Visits

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that your baby should get 6 well-child visits within their first 15 months of life. These 6 well-child visits are important to make sure your baby is growing and developing in the right way. This visit is not for when your baby is ill. Your baby can’t tell you when something is wrong. Your child’s provider knows what to look for during these well-child visits.

What should I expect during a well-child visit?

Each well-child visit includes checking your child's health history, a physical exam, immunizations, screenings such as lead levels, vision, and dental health. It will also include checks on how the child is growing and learning. These 6 well-child visits help check on your child's health and development. Providers will also give guidance on diet, nutrition, and physical activity to help your baby stay healthy.

How do I prepare for a well-child visit?

Use these resources to help you talk to your doctor. You can be a health partner in making sure your baby’s health needs are met:

Vaccination Schedule: Use this easy-to-read vaccination schedule to stay up to date with your shots.

Bright Futures Parent Education Handout: This lists information regarding your well-child visit by age.

Healthy Incentives

When you take certain healthy actions, you may be eligible for incentives! Some incentives you can get as part of Special Beginnings, include:

  • A free car seat or free portable crib. If you go to a prenatal appointment in your first trimester or visit within 42 days of enrolling with BCCHP.
  • Two free packages of diapers. If have your first post-partum doctor’s visit within 84 days of your child’s birth.
  • A $30 gift card through BCCHP IL Rewards℠*. If you go to at least six well child appointments from birth to 15 months.


Some of the rewards are redeemed for gift cards through BCCHP IL Rewards. To get started, you need to register for BCCHP IL Rewards. Register at or download the BCCHP IL Rewards mobile app. You will need your member ID card, date of birth, and email address to register. You can also call Member Services at 1-877-860-2837 for help signing up for BCCHP IL Rewards.

Schedule Your Baby's Well-Child Visits Today

Need a provider?

Find a provider to schedule your well-child visits. You can log in to Blue Access for Members℠ or visit Provider Finder to find a provider.

Need a ride?

Schedule a free ride to your well-child visits. Call ModivCare at 1-877-831-3148 (TTY/TDD: 1-866-288-3133) or visit Transportation Services for more information.

Family Planning and Contraceptive Care Benefits

You have access to family planning benefits. Learn more here.