Contact Us

Have you visited our Frequently Asked Questions page? There, you'll find information that can help you log in to and use your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) member account, understand your health insurance plan and answer some of our members' most common questions.

Individual & Family

Review the Individual and Family Contact Guide.

I have questions about enrolling in a new plan:


Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. CT
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. CT
Sunday: Closed

I'm a member with a question for customer service:


Monday – Friday: 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. CT
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CT
Sunday: Closed

I want to make a payment:

Mail your payment to the address on your invoice or learn about other convenient ways to pay your bill.



Medicare (65+)

I have questions about enrolling in Medicare:

1-877-213-1821 (TTY 711)

I'm a Medicare Advantage member:

1-877-774-8592 (TTY 711)

I'm a Medicare Part D member:

1-888-285-2249 (TTY 711)

I'm a Medicare Supplement member:

1-800-624-1723 (TTY 711)

I'm a Medicare-Medicaid member:

1-877-723-7702 (TTY 711)
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m




I'm a member with a question for customer service:

1-877-860-2837 (TTY/TDD: 711)

Speak with a live agent Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Self-service or a voicemail available 24/7.

I want to contact you by mail:

Blue Cross Community Health Plans
c/o Member Services
P. O. Box 3418
Scranton, PA 18505

I want to get help from the 24/7 Nurseline:

1-888-343-2697 (TTY/TDD: 711)
If you're having an emergency, please call 911.




I have an HMO Illinois®/Blue Advantage HMOSM plan:

Call Customer Service at the number listed on your member ID card.

I have a HMO Blue USA plan and want to find care while I'm away from home:

1-800-810-BLUE (2583)

I have a PPO plan:

Call Customer Service at the number listed on your member ID card.

I have a PPO plan and want to find care while I'm away from home:

1-800-810-BLUE (2583)



Additional Contact Information

Last Updated: Dec. 10, 2024