Where to Go for Care

Search for Providers

Before you go for care, make sure you go to a doctor or hospital in your health plan network.

Use the Provider Finder® to search for a doctor, hospital or other health care providers.

You can also go to About Our Providers to download one of the print provider directories.

If you are not having an emergency, knowing where to go for medical or behavioral health care will save you a lot of time. You have choices for where you get your medical or behavioral health care.

  • Primary Care Provider (PCP)

    Your PCP is your personal doctor who will give you most of your care. They may also send you to other providers if you need special care. With BCCHP you can pick your PCP. Please call your PCP to schedule an initial health exam within 30 days of joining. During the first exam, the PCP will learn about your health care needs.

    Do you need help to find a PCP or change your current PCP? Call Member Services at 1-877-860-2837. The call is toll free.

  • 24/7 Nurseline

    If you have health questions or need help deciding where to go for care, you can call the 24/7 Nurseline at 1-888-343-2697 (TTY: 711).

  • Mobile Crisis Response Hotline

    If you are having a behavioral health crisis, you can call the Mobile Crisis Response Hotline at 1-800-345-9049 (TTY/TDD: 711). This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Doctor's Office

    Your doctor’s office is the best place to go for non-emergency care. Your doctor knows your health history, the medicine(s) you take and can help decide if you need to see a behavioral health provider. Examples of when you should go to your doctor’s office are when you:

    • Need a checkup or physical
    • Have ear or sinus pain
    • Are feeling sad or lonely
    • Need medication refills or changes
    • Get shots
    • Have a sore throat
    • Have a stomach ache
  • Urgent Care

    If your doctor’s office is closed and you need urgent medical care, you can visit an urgent care clinic. Examples of when you should go to an urgent care clinic are when you have:

    • Back pain
    • Burning with urination
    • Asthma with constant wheezing not resolved with your inhaler
    • Minor fractures
    • Cuts that need stitches
    • Flu or cold-like symptoms
  • Emergency Room (ER)

    If you are having an emergency, go to the ER or call 911. Examples of emergency health issues are:

    • Stroke (sudden weakness on one side, slurring of speech, trouble swallowing, blurred vision)
    • Shortness of breath or severe trouble breathing
    • Severe vomiting or diarrhea
    • Drug or alcohol overdose
    • Severe injuries, broken bones
    • Heavy bleeding
    • Chest pain
    • Having thoughts of harming self or others

    How to Avoid a Trip to the ER

    • See your doctor regularly. This is important if you have a long-term health problem such as diabetes or asthma, or if you have ongoing behavioral health needs.
    • Take your medicines as prescribed by your doctor.

Prior Authorization

Some services need approval from your BCCHP health plan. This approval is called "prior authorization." Your doctor will need this before they can treat you. If BCCHP does not approve the service, then the costs will not be covered (paid). You do not need to contact us for prior authorization. Your doctor should know if a service needs approval and can help with the details. Work with your doctor to submit a prior authorization. Find out more about prior authorization.


Need Assistance?

(TTY/TDD: 711)

We are available 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week. The call is free.